Lighting is an integral part of photography. One can’t even think of a good photograph without optimum lighting. While shooting for your stock photos make sure that you have the right mix of light and proper exposure to the camera. The mix of lighting along with composition and subject will surely allow you to create magic for your Stock images and help in fetching a high price.

Although light appears as being composed of a single color while viewed with the naked eye. All colors of light can be observed with the help of a prism which splits light into the components that it is composed of. A photographer who aims to be the best in his or her industry will surely be inquisitive about the working of light as it is essential for making sure that he has the right mix of lighting for his stock images while presenting them to prospective buyers. Its pertinent for a photographer to know the fact that every object has the capability of absorbing and reflecting spectrums of light that give it the color that is visible to the human naked eye. 

A professional photographer working for an agency or working for him has to be aware about the lighting effects of the sun. Thus he or she should be in the know how as to what time which kind of light will be dominant especially when shooting under the sun. Natural light is never consistent. It keeps on varying during the daytime. Different color shades will be dominating during different phases of the day. At midday the blue portion of the color spectrum is dominant, producing a “cool” light. Color photography taken at midday produces the clearest, sharpest pictures in bright light. In contrast natural light will emphasize the red portion of the color spectrum thus giving a warm texture to the photographs clicked during this time of the day. The contrast of stock photos clicked during this time is soft and this kind of light is known as warm light in photography. 

While using artificial light on subjects in photography the bulb that is used plays an important role in deciding the effect on the photograph. Stock Images that are shot with incandescent light will have a yellow tinge. Its upon the photographer how he combats this tint in. One method to fight with it is to use a blue filter to offset the excessive yellowing. A tungsten film is a good option if you are using a film camera instead of a digital one.

The effect of Florescent lights diffuse light that often translates into greenish tinges in color photography. The best option in this is to use a fluorescent or daytime filter that can help in removing this unappealing color. Street lamps are also notorious for causing a greenish tint in the resulting pictures. Thus a photographer needs to use this effect to his advantage: in the darkness, this greenish quality can produce mysterious or ghostly effects.

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Shooting commercially to sell your photographs in the form of stock images will give you ample of time and opportunities to experiment. This is one field where your experiments can pay you rich dividends in a short span of time. Challenging the basics although is not a very good idea but playing around with minor and major factors that can be modified to create special effects will help one to achieve quite a few milestones and help set up new benchmarks in the field of photography that will be followed by new and old photographers alike.

Photographing in broad daylight is something that all photographers do. There are a select few who will click when the sun sets and night grapples the subjects around. They are out there experimenting with their photography skills. A fact that very few people know is that night scenes especially in stock photography never fail to impress the audience. The images clicked at night have great ambiance something that goes missing in day time photography. Canvas Images of night scenes have a great impact on the audience and can form a great asset for a photographer who is building his stock images database.

While shooting at night is not an easy task but there are few factors that will surely act in your favor, you will be able to concentrate properly on your subject, your subject will be at peace with the surroundings. You need to keep in mind some tips so that you don’t spoil the texture and the lighting effect of the photographs that will be clicked in low light. You need to control the exposure to light so that the image does not have a too bright or blown out by allowing insufficient light from the aperture. Thus you need to control the exposure to represent an actual picture of the scene. Thus you need to control the aperture, which has an inverse relationship with the amount of light being allowed to enter. Shutter speed is another factor that needs to be controlled by the photographer. At low shutter speeds more light is allowed to enter the camera. ISO or Sensor Sensitivity is another factor that needs to be controlled.

Take control of these settings and vary them for the same scene to have a different look every time you vary the setting this will give you ample of options to choose from while deciding the final image. Although the auto mode of the camera will be able to do the trick for a novice photographer but shooting with your own settings is the best option if you are building your stock image database for future.

Shooting wide open with a fast lens is advised by photographers who have been able to create magic with their camera during night time. A lens which can go down to f/2.8 or even f/1.4 is regarded as a good option for professional photographers who really have a penchant for good photography. Using a tripod is a must wherever possible. Following these tips will ensure better stock images for you that will fetch higher prices for you in future and will be able to catapult you higher in the photography industry.

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Since you have a large database of stock photos and a select few have made it to be exhibited in the next exhibition that you have organized, while some of the images have already been purchased by patrons who liked those images owing to their beauty and the message they delivered. What about the rest of them? Are you going to throw them out? Have you not worked hard for them? Well the images that have been left behind deserve to be kept in a safe place for future use. Apart from that an emotional bonding for many photographers will make it impossible for them to throw away images that don’t really have any commercial value right now. Who knows the images that you are planning to get rid of right now maybe in demand in future for a sky high price. At that juncture you can only lament about getting rid of the images that you thought worthless at one point of time.

In the past photographers used to preserve the negatives that were a permanent record of the stock image they had clicked. Specially designed notebooks would be used to preserve those negatives. I know many a professional photographers who used to abhor the idea of sending their negatives by post instead they used to do it by hand or found some other way to deliver their negatives to distant places if ever they had to do that. Even today many of the celebrated photographers all across the world have preserved those negatives that can still create an image as fresh and beautiful as it would have done on being developed for the first time. Many people have a simple idea of storing a image by printing it. But if the volume of images is too high and space is limited storing printed images is not a very viable option. Thus preserving negatives was the best option.

The digital advent has changed the way photographers used to click and store images. There are numerous options available in today's times that can be used to store images. Space is no longer limited if you have a large volume of photographs. If you are dealing in Stock Photos you can easily store and manage your images in a way where you can find them at a very short notice and present it to your client. Storing and managing your images was never so easy. You can burn a large volume of images on a CD or a DVD but again here you need to take care of the CD's and DVD's. You need to store them at a place where they can be reached at a short notice but are safe and away from the reach of kids and competitors.

Storing the Images in the computer itself looks the best option but what if the computer is infested with a virus in future; all images that have been saved will be lost. Thus you need to take extra care of the computer where you have stored your stock images. External hard disks with terrific storage capacities at reasonable prices are being used to store images by the technology friendly photographer. These disks are portable, easy to use and don’t need the softwares used for burning them on a CD or a DVD. Another option that is becoming quite favorite with photographers is the online storage of stock images.

Avid photographers are either buying space on the virtual world in the form of websites or are renting space in one or the other cloud that gives immense space to one along with the other management tools that can be used to make optimum use of the time and resources available. If you have the zeal and talent for stock photography storing them will not be an issue at all in today's times. You can store millions of images at a single place and access them with a simple click of mouse.

To know more about stock photography, stock photo, stockphoto, stock fotografie, stockfoto , stock photos, stockfotografie, royalty free images, Royalty Free Stock Photo, Royalty Free Stock Image if you want to know more about the author feel free to contact him at

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